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Delaware needs to help the veterans

Delaware State News
Apr 14, 2018

I called both senators and the governor in Delaware in the fall of 2016 and again January 2017 and 2018. I haven't gotten an answer yet. I was told they would get back with me. This what I said to them:

Why are there no commercials showing where a veteran can call if they need help for depression, or they are thinking of suicide? Why not have support group meetings in towns or on military bases? Why not educate employers on how to recognize the signs, in vets mustered out, and what to do if they see something is wrong?

Give grants for vets to start their own company getting recycling centers around the U.S. to take paint. The paint can be sold at about a third of the cost and be used for schools, saving tax dollars.

Have a concert for the vets, it can be called "Vet Aid." Vets can use this money to pay for the recycling centers and other businesses. The rest of the money can be used to start picking up homeless vets, rehabbing the ones that can be helped, and place the rest of them in housing where they can be taken care of.

Please help me make this idea a reality.

Kenneth Moore U.S. Army veteran Milford

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